Info Meeting Summary

This is a summary of topics from last evening.

A) Water issue still in negotiation.

B) The proposed maintenance increase has not been decided by HPD.

C) The power outage was discussed. A hot water sensor in a diesel engine failed causing the engine to over speed and fail. When the engine tried to shunt to another diesel that diesel failed and since power was not available to the booster pumps of the natural gas engines they failed. In the end, it was discovered an undersized fuse failed on one diesel engine and the actuators on the natural gas engines failed, Power was restored to the western part of the complex on 2 working engines at 11:30 pm allowing for the water to be restored to the complex. The eastern part of the complex restored at 2:00 am when the electrical load was at its lowest point. The failed engines were repaired and up and running by 11:00 am.

D) Heating issues were discussed. The Board has engaged a consultant to test the issue of steam being returned instead of condensate to the condensate return tank. The test will consist of 100 apts being tested. The board will receive a report which will highlight the number of seating traps that need to be replaced. The report will also indicate the dollars needed to do this and the time for the payback of the investment. It was explained that doing this will lengthen the life of the boilers and allow for greater efficiency. It was indicated that this is more of a long term project.

E) Water issues concerning Bldgs 6 and 7 were brought up by a shareholder. It was explained that the return line of the jacket water lines failed. The jacket water is waste heat from the power plant which made hot water by heating domestic cold water. The Board has hired an engineer to investigate whether the jacket water lines should be restored or if there is an alternative plan. Bldg 6 and 7 have hot water produced by using the steam from the boilers to heat up plates which heats domestic cold water. It was further noted if the boilers were down the hot water goes down as well.

F) Con Ed and reconnecting to the grid would be cost prohibitive. It would also be cost prohibitive to use the utility as a back up. It is estimated that the cost would be $300,00 yearly. The end result would be a maintenance increase which the Board does not want to engage in.

G) New Green Local law for Tier 4 emissions were discussed. It was indicated the Board has begun to investigate newer engines since our current diesel engines would not pass the new emissions test. Failing this test we would not be able to obtain a certificate to operate the current engines. The Board has met or spoke with all the local political representatives. The Council member has said he would attempt to have our power plant grandfathered from this new local law. The monies gained in the refinancing would be utilized altho the current switch gear may not be compatible. But further investigation by an engineer and the company who services our switch gear would be needed to make that determination

Lastly, I do apologize for the late posting of the date of the meeting in the future we will give 5 business days notice. And a personal note I also apologize if I was not kind enough and abrupt. A Board member chastised me and my wife as well.

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Big Six Towers, Incorporated